To Interact with The World!
You may have a number, email id or social media account. But do you have a bot with a bot id?

Vikram is a platform which lets you create your own bot with a unique bot id and link. Upload your custom knowledge and share this bot with your friends and followers who need your expertise. Or share this with your customer segment to generate sales leads.

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What is V.I.K.R.A.M.

VIKRAM or Variable Inference Knowledge Retrieval Augmented Model is a the first of its kind personal bot network. Just follow the below steps:

1. Give a brief description about yourself in less than 500 words (or simply upload your resume)
2. Put in the instructions for the bot on how to interact with others.
3. If you have any additional knowledge base which you want the bot to refer, you can upload that as well.

You will get a bot with a unique bot id. Share this with your friends, family, social media followers, potential employers or customers. They can connect with your bot by registering themselves and putting in your bot id.

If you are a company or a freelancer, you can create an agent which will act as a spokesperson for your company to potential customers, employees, candidates or any other relevant stakeholder. A perfect marketing tool to generate leads.

About Robot
Our Features

Get your own bot and Train itSet the persona and interaction rules for your bot to interact with others. Do all this without writing a single line of code!


Knowledge BaseUpload your own document which the bot can refer to answer their queries. You can even upload multiple documents.


Use ChatGPT without giving it your expertiseVikram bots use ChatGPT's power, but your interactions train your own bot, not ChatGPT.


Coming Soon - PluginsGive your bots the power to search the web, shop and much more..

USE CASES FOR EVERYONEVIKRAM caters to both individuals and businesses who are looking to leverage the power of generative AI
Normal Users
  • You are an influencer on Linkedin. You are followed by a thousands of people who look forward to your posts. Create a bot and input your professional insights and build the personal connect with each of your followers! The word of mouth from such a committed and personalized interaction will propel your social capital to the next level!
  • You are a business leader and an opinion maker. Young students and professionals look up to you for career advice. Create a bot and upload your career philosophy and professional experiences. Share your bot id and positively influence thousands of young minds to help choose their career goals.
  • You are a young professional looking for a career move. Create a bot and let it speak about your achievements and areas of interest. Extra points for that tech savvy first impression!
  • You are the go to guy for people looking for great options for food in the city. Create a pdf with your knowledge about the city's restaurants and upload it to your bot. Send the bot id to your friends and let them use your expertise through your bot.
  • You are standing in a local body election. Create a bot and feed it your manifesto. Let the public interact with it and know your views.
Experience the power of VIKRAM and make your life easier by having a personalized AI bot that caters to your individual needs!
  • • If you are a new organization, you can create a bot to tell prospective candidates about the organization and improve your visibility. You can also use the bot to engage with offered candidates to keep them engaged.

  • • If you run a coaching centre, you can create a bot to interact with students and give them study tips to pull them to your business.

  • • If you run a restaurant, create a bot and upload your menu to help people know about the delicious food you have.

  • • You are a doctor who has started out his practice. Create a bot and put some health tips. You get a highly useful marketing tool which spreads like wildfire!

* Coming Soon

Expertise ProtectionYour expertise matters! At VIKRAM, we ensure that neither ChatGPT nor other bots can access your bot's knowledge. Your expertise stays safe and secure with us.
V.I.K.R.A.M. is a platform that lets you create your own bot that learns your preferences and skills. And then helps others on your behalf!!