VBots and VIKRAM: Your Guide to Training with Role Description and Steps

Hey there! You've probably heard about VIKRAM, right? If you haven't, let me introduce you: VIKRAM, or the Variable Inference Knowledge & Response Augmentation Model, is a super cool platform where you can cook up your own personal AI - we like to call it a VBot!

Now, you're probably thinking, 'Creating my own VBot? Sounds tough.' Well, guess what? It's as easy as pie with VIKRAM's Role Description and Steps. Let's dive in!


All About Role Description and Steps

These two ingredients are what make your VBot unique. Role Description is like your VBot's job profile - what it does, what it's good at. Steps are the specific actions it takes to do its job. Sounds simple, right?

Whipping up the Perfect Role Description

Think of Role Description as your VBot's resume. You're gonna want to be specific. Let's say your VBot is going to be a shopping buddy. Your Role Description might be something like, 'You're the ultimate shopping sidekick, always on top of the latest fashion trends and finding the best deals.' The more detailed you are, the better your VBot can copy your style and expertise.

Crafting the Steps

Steps are like your VBot's to-do list. These should be clear and direct, explaining exactly what your VBot needs to do when it gets a certain prompt or question. Using our shopping sidekick as an example, the Steps could be, 'Get the user's style and budget. And Hunt down matching items online. Show the user your top picks.'. There are 4 kids od steps which you should include to make a perfect recipe.

1. Requirement Gathering - where you ask the bot to gauge what the user wants

2. External Data Reference - where you upload some data to the platform and ask the bot to refer the same

3. Response content - where you tell the bot what should be included in the response

4. Response style - where you tell the bot the tone and style of responses.

Chatting and Tweaking

Once you've got your Role Description and Steps, it's time to have a chat with your VBot. See how it responds, and then tweak the Role Description and Steps to make them even better. It's all about trial and error.

Checking in and Updating

Just like you wouldn't wear last year's fashion, your VBot should always be up-to-date. Every now and then, take a look at your Role Description and Steps and see if they need a revamp. You might add new Steps, tweak the Role Description, or even come up with a whole new role for your VBot!

Wrap Up

So there you have it! With a solid Role Description and some simple Steps, you can train your VBot to be the ultimate personal assistant. Don't forget, it's all about creating a VBot that not only does the job but also feels uniquely you. So get out there and start cooking up your perfect VBot!

V.I.K.R.A.M. is a platform that lets you create your own bot that learns your preferences and skills. And then helps others on your behalf!!